Lee’s Schedule
Every Thursday
Lee Corso
Reiki healer
Healing For Us & Our Furry Friends
“Reiki is Universal love energy and as such, regardless of the target, the recipient will and can RECEIVE whatever level of healing that is needed, be it spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical.”
- Lee Corso
Lee’s Energy Exchange
Reiki for us ∙ for pets ∙ & distant healing
Human sessions
$90 for 30 minutes
$165 for 1 hour
Pet sessions
for 30 minutes
Distant healing prices are the same as an in-house session.
Distant healing excludes the hour session, only 30 minute sessions are available.
*To schedule, call (805)650-8272 or come in to the shop and schedule with us!
*Please keep in mind that our readers schedules’ are subject to change, we update our website regularly but feel free to give us a call for the most up-to-date info!